Healing though the generations

One of the main focuses of my mediumship practice is healing through the generations – healing those alive and those now deceased. This has happened in different ways, in different readings. I will share with you one of the most profound experiences I have had as a medium and the one that led me to discover that intergenerational healing is a primary theme in my work with clients.


A few years ago, right when I was beginning to do professional readings, a woman from another country contacted me for a reading. Setting up a mutually beneficial time was challenging because of the time difference, but Spirit pushed me to step outside my regular hours and set something up. As it turned out, the only time we could coordinate was a reading at 6:30 am my time. I agreed to do it and the unusual time it occurred was the first indication that something different and important was at work here, and I needed to be aware of something special afoot.

When we connected for her reading, the client’s mother came through almost immediately. After the physical identification, the mother began to relay to me how shut down she had been as a mother, how depressed she had been and as a result, how emotionally unavailable she had been to her daughter. She showed me scenes of watching her daughter play and I could feel her sadness, her feelings of being lost and alone. She showed me how her daughter, would sit on her lap and look into her eyes and how there was just a blankness there – like she was just.... absent. The deceased mother showed me through feelings and images how her depression had been a result of her own childhood experiences with her own mother who had been abusive. Because of the culture of the time, this issue had never been addressed and as a result my client’s mother went through life with a sense of hopelessness and despair that came from a sad and neglected childhood. Now that this woman was crossed over and had the opportunity to look at her life and review her relationships, she saw how removed she had been as a mother herself and could see now what her daughter needed to hear. The mother told my client that even though she had not been able to show it – that it seemed as though she could not give or receive her daughters love -that in fact her daughter had been the light and love of her life and that her only joy had been caring for her daughter and watching her delight in world around her.

As my client received these messages of apology, regret, and love she wept and told me “I have always wanted to know if my mother really loved me – now I know. I have needed to hear this from her more than anything in the world.” She went on to say she felt freed – that she was so grateful to know how her mother felt and also how happy she was that her mother was now relieved of the depression and grief that plagued her through life. As my client accepted the messages, I could see Light move through the mother to her daughter and through the entire generational maternal line. As my client healed, so did the line of women that came before – her deceased mother, grandmother, even great grandmother received the gift of love and healing that happened as my client made the choice to open her heart to forgiveness and love. As a result, the pattern was halted and my client’s children would never know the pain their mother experienced as a child.

This reading was a profound shift for me. In the space of about 60min, one woman was able to affect a positive and profound change in her family. As a medium, I was able to experience the miracle of healing that takes place when one person accepts love and forgives in their heart. It not only affects the one doing the forgiving, it changes things for the people connected to them by creating the space and the vibrational alignment for a higher existence- one based in love and not one that perpetuates a pattern based in fear.

This is the power of intergenerational healing through mediumship.


How to transform pain into power

As human beings we all have had difficult, painful and even traumatic events in our lives. These things can live inside of us and rear up as patterns, cycles and illnesses. As sensitives, empaths and intuitives we also feel other people’s energies - especially the fear, the pain and other heavy emotions.  Feelings – our own or others - play a big part in our human experience.

Traditional therapy teaches us to process our emotions by talking things through and dissecting/unpacking our feelings. As intuitives we have learned many different blocking, shielding and filtering techniques to help keep us from feeling the emotions of others.

There is another, very simple and very powerful way to deal with negative energy that’s affecting you.

Emotions, pain and fear are really just energetic information. That’s it. As much as we feel them, as confusing and as overwhelming as they can seem to be at times, the truth is they are just energy. As we know from science 101, energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can be transformed.  This is exactly what you can do when you experience your own sadness, anger, grief, fear or pain or any emotions from anyone else that you don’t want.

Don’t block it, shield it or try to hash through it – transmute it.

Use your own heart to transform the vibration of the energy ... then integrate it into your own.

 This is called emotional integration and it works anywhere, anytime and for everyone. It clears pain and fear on all levels by transforming the vibration of energy using the power of your own heart and intention. I learned this technique from an amazing intuitive, therapist and healer, Jocelyn Hilling.

Here’s how to do it:

1.     Imagine you can pull out from your body that painful experience/fear – the problem, worry, difficulty, fear whatever it is that is causing you distress. It can be anything: an event, a mess of emotions surrounding a particular time/place in your life, feelings of insecurity or inadequacy, the emotions you are feeling from someone else – whatever negative, lower vibrational energy is affecting youright now. Pull it out in front of you and let it become a visual of some kind – a color, a symbol, an image – whatever it wants to be.  See it there in front of you.

2.     Now feel your own heart. Look and feel inside your chest to the feeling of your heart – feel its power, its light. Let it be a color. Is it golden like the sun, is it a volcano? Is it a rainbow?

3.     Now you are going to pull that image – that pain energy - right into the light of your heart. Watch what happens as it goes into your heart – watch it dissolve, or explode, or become light. Watch how your heart transforms that energy into strong, powerful light energy. Now you own it and it can serve to build you up, not break you down.

That’s it.

Use this technique to make that pain energy become part of your power – not part of what’s holding you back.

After all, love is the most powerful force in the universe and you hold an unlimited supply right inside yourself. Use it!



Growth: Why books, classes and information only gets you so far

When you are dedicated to your spiritual growth you often go through a period where you are so excited about it you read everything, watch everything and search for it all on the Internet. The reason we do this is to learn, to educate ourselves and to find all the information we can that's out there.

But this only gets us so far.

At a certain point, we need to begin looking within for the answers to our questions. We need to start to trust that maybe we have access to the answers we are looking for. 

There is no doubt that validation from others is absolutely essential to learning. It is so important to find teachers you resonate with and who can help you on your spiritual growth journey.

However, it's important to remember this:

The truth is, no one else is like you. No one else can do exactly what you do. We all have special and unique roles to play. YOU play an essential and vital role in the evolution of the world. The world will only benefit from your gifts if you are true to who you are. This is why it's so important to stand in your truth, to trust what you get, how you get it and what techniques you develop in your practice. Chances are, you are going to find something no one else has yet.

As we grow, we do need validation and this is why working with teachers and peers can be invaluable. And, there comes a point when you can step away from all the information that people have put out there and trust your own perspective. Maybe you see different things in your meditations, maybe you have discovered new techniques in mediumship, and maybe you are accessing new levels of consciousness and information. Beginning to see how you are different from what you have learned, heard and seen out there is when you begin to see your uniqueness – your specialness. You are developing the exact gifts that the world needs and only you can give them. You have something special that is needed and necessary to the growth of us all. Your perspective, techniques and information can perhaps be the very thing that helps others to find their truths and will shed new light on Spirituality and Spiritual growth.

Teachers are here to help us get from one place into another, and then it is our job to take that information and run with it. Walking a spiritual pathway is about discovering the truth that's within you-and then learning to trust it. You have something nobody else has and it's your job to uncover that diamond in the rough and buff it out. By all means, work with the teachers whose message speaks to you and follow the guidance from your spirit team to help you on your path. But remember, all teachers and Guides serve ultimately to empower you in growing your soul and consciousness into the whole truth of whom you really are. The whole point of all of growth is to put you in your own power. This means that ultimately trusting yourself, your path and your way is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and to the world.

Martha Graham, the great modern dance choreographer put it this way:

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.

 As always, I am here to assist you on your growth path. I will connect with your Deceased Loved Ones and other High Beings in Spirit to offer the information and guidance you need right now to empower you on your journey. Contact me and let's grow together!

Success in the eyes of Spirit

One of the amazing and eye opening experiences I have seen in readings lately is how Spirit has come through to illustrate what true success in life is. As you may guess, the Spirit view of success can be vastly different than the human definition. 

In the human world, we tend to measure success with money, material things, status and other worldly things. In the Spirit view of things, love is what is important. No act of love goes unnoticed and no act of love is too small. 

For example, I recently did a reading for a woman who loved animals. She took in animals, raised them, fostered them healed them and always had a large number of them in her house. Caring for the animal kingdom was her joy, her passion and she opened her heart to them. She was content to live alone and take care of her animals, not caring to engage much in social activities that her friends and family felt were the normal and appropriate things she should be doing. My client felt a huge gap between what her heart wanted and what the human world was telling her was the appropriate way for her to live. There was a huge disconnection between what she felt made her life successful and what society was telling her about her life. 

Then Spirit came through to give us their perspective.

Spirit showed us an innumerable number of living things this woman had cared for in her life. The love she had shown to plants and animals over the course of her lifetime was unbelievable. So many creatures, big and small, came through to thank her for her kindness to them, for taking care of them, for giving them safe and comfortable lives when no one else would. I was channeling kittens, dogs, even horses and ducks! It was absolutely amazing as I do not specialize in animal mediumship, but it was a truly wonderful experience for both my client and me. 

Spirit told her to embrace her gifts, to love herself and to just let go of other's criticisms of her. They said the most important thing was for her to show herself the love she had shown so many others. They told her that she was successful and she was already living a successful life. Her success just wasn't in the ways our society and culture deem as appropriate.

In truth, there is no act of kindness that goes unseen. There is no such thing as a small act of love. They are all the same size in the eyes of Spirit. So before you start judging your life with another person’s eyes and comparing yourself to ideas you have about what makes you important or successful – STOP! Your soul has a larger picture of what success is. Be true to your soul and open to what you truly love to do – this is how your soul measures success!