The Two Truths

How can there be two truths? What in the world does that mean? I thought there was only 1 truth. This is what you are probably saying as you read this title, and in fact it was what I myself first thought when I received guidance in a reading from another gifted and amazing medium recently. And yes, of course mediums get readings too – we get readings in order to be sure we are as much up on our game as possible both personally and professionally so we are able and clear to help others.

The guidance I received was about starting to talk to people about the two truths – the truth you tell yourself and the truth that comes from the deeper, unchangeable and eternal part of you.

At first I wasn’t so sure if I knew how to do this. But as usual, Spirit sent me the perfect situation so I could better understand. I had a reading with a client of mine who has a lot of trouble with finances. I don’t mean that this person is always broke or anything like that, but they do have more of what I would call an existential conflict with money. What this means is that he is reasonably successful, but not as much as he would like to be. But, when opportunities come up for him to take steps that would perhaps help propel him into the very successful financial bracket, he opts out. He makes decisions that take him away from the success that he so desperately claims that he wants. He does this again and again. Why does he do this?

If you ask him, he will tell you that he’s terrible with money, that he doesn’t know how to manage it at all – that he basically is financially illiterate. OK, so most of us can stand to be better money managers, but this self-professed ignorance is coming from someone with a cream of the crop education. I’m talking about someone who was handpicked for one of the most elite, specialized programs in his profession in the world. Smarts is not his problem. So, what’s the deal? Well in a reading, we found out.

Spirit showed us that in a previous lifetime he had been a young man who came from a privileged family who decided to discard it all – family, wealth, education - and went on a spiritual quest where he gave away all of his belongings, took a vow of poverty and became a monk.

So, his soul had taken a vow that precluded him from welcoming any financial comfort into his life. In this previous lifetime, his soul went on a profound spiritual journey where he vowed he would no longer adhere to the standards and practices of life at the time and instead he chose to live out his life dedicated to finding inner peace in silence and poverty. Pretty intense. By the way, the difference between a vow and a promise is huge. A vow you take from the soul, a promise you make with your mind and personality. Vows are for real: they have meaning and carry weight. This is why we have them; in order to really, truly and profoundly commit to something we want at the deepest core of ourselves. This is why they are called marriage vows, and not marriage promises.

So, what we discovered in this reading was that not that he didn’t think he was worthy of having money; it was rather that he felt money wasn’t worthy of him. Big difference. A part of his soul still felt that to have money would be breaking his vow.

This is a great example of two truths at work. There’s the truth he kept coming back to in his mind, that basically he wasn’t any good at the money game so that’s why he couldn’t seem to get a hold of his money in a satisfying way; and there was the deeper soul truth that a part of his soul was still living under the vow of poverty and to make money would break that vow. His soul still was committed to poverty as a spiritual practice and for his soul, having money was something to disdain and discard.

So what did we do to help him with this? Usually, once the two truths are illuminated and brought to scrutiny beside one another it becomes crystal clear which is the deeper truth. The deeper truth is the meaning and reason that lies behind the reason you fall back on every single time a particular issue comes up for you – be it self-worth, finances, love, weight issues, etc. As soon as it was brought to light for my client, there was an emotional release, a moment of recognition and then relief. Then, he did the work of releasing it himself with affirmations and his new perspective of the truth behind the truth. And you know what? The truth really does set you free – the real truth that is.

Uncovering and decoding these two truths is central to what Opening to Spirit is all about. It is about looking at your life from a new and higher perspective. It’s about peering behind the curtain of the surface to see not only the reasons things are the way they are in your life, but that you have the power and ability to change and release what no longer serves you so you can embrace your true eternal power as a soul making its evolutionary journey toward the light.

There are many, many versions of the two truths. Find out more about your real “truth behind the truth” in a reading or coaching session!


With love,



Emotions as you open to Spirit

When you first begin to open to Spirit, it can be pretty emotional and you can feel a mixture of vulnerability, excitement, fear and a powerful sense of relief and release.

I just met with a good friend of mine, whom I knew well before I began my Spiritual path and work as a medium. I have had mixed responses from friends and family when I first came out as a medium, and although most have come to embrace it, some are a bit more hesitant or resistant to it than others. So, as this was my first meeting with her in a long while, I was interested to see what my friend’s response would be to the changes that have occurred in my life.

As we began talking to catch up with things, I kept trying to steer the conversation to hear about what was happening with her personally and professionally and she kept steering it back to me and the work I am doing as a medium. She had tons of questions – how it works, who I connect with, what its like to experience Spirit. I gave explanations and some good examples of readings and the information that has come through to give her an idea of what my experience was like as well as what opening to Spirit is all about. As I talked about connecting with Angels and Loved Ones and the undeniable love and light there is in that experience, she began to tear up.

As we continued our conversation, I couldn’t help but see two large and beautiful Angels over her right shoulder. The Angels kept telling me she needed to hear and feel that she is safe, protected and loved. So that’s what I began to talk about with her. I talked about how opening to Spirit is about accepting unconditional love into your life. I talked about how God has given us a team of Spirits to just watch over us, to help and guide and protect us as we navigate in our physical lives. I talked about how the unlimited and all encompassing love that we all seek is actually here, surrounding us at every moment. It exists within each of us and we have many beings in Spirit to help us connect and follow that love and light.

As she received this information from Spirit, my friend opened up. She was teary and emotional. She talked about her fear that she was alone, that she was not capable of being strong and taking care of herself or rising to challenges She also said that deep inside she knew that she could. She said it was a huge thing for her to begin to feel like she wasn’t alone but she wanted to accept that. I did finally tell her about the Angels over her shoulder and as her tears flowed, I could feel waves of relief coming from her. My meeting with my friend went in a way I didn’t anticipate and that’s what so truly amazing and awe inspiring about Spirit – they set up a situation for her where she could hear what she needed to hear and I am grateful to have been the messenger.

As you open to Spirit, you too may experience those swings of emotion. As you open and feel the love coming to you from the Angels, Guides and Loved Ones who surround you, you also open your heart to love in a larger than life capacity. That’s because it is larger than life – you are connecting to the Source of life – the All That Is, God, a Higher Power, or whatever you choose to call it. You are also resetting your entire worldview. It is a big shift inside you to accept and work with Spirit.

Opening to Spirit can also be a vulnerable place. You are beginning to open your heart – this feels fragile at times for everyone. This is why it is important, especially in the beginning, to surround yourself with the people and things that validate your new experiences and feelings. Right now, you don’t need everyone else’s opinion. Do yourself a favor and only share your path as you feel guided to – with the people who can support you. Eventually, you will open up as you gain confidence, experience and time. In the beginning, it’s OK to be private. It’s OK to be emotional and it’s more than OK to want and need validation from others who are also on a Spiritual path, because we’ve been there and felt that way too. Ask your Guides and Angels to send those people to you and they will. Chances are, they already are doing that because you’re reading this!

There are no rules or wrong steps in opening to Spirit. It is about following your heart, your intuition and your guidance that comes to you from those who love you and who can see the larger meaning, path and significance of your life and the choices you make everyday – your Guides, Angels and Loved Ones.

Trust yourself, ask your Spirits for help and know that every step you take on this path is the right one.

With love,



Transforming fear & doubt

Are you all too familiar with the doubt and fear that can come with Spiritual growth? Me too. So, what can we do to break out of a low cycle?

1. Use the tools of the trade. When I feel it’s difficult for me to receive direct guidance for myself from Spirit because I am feeling overly emotional, murky or unclear, I go to my oracle cards. Cards and Divination tools are alternative ways you can use to connect with your Spiritual supporters. If you don’t read cards, then use a tool that resonates with you: pendulums, tarot or oracle cards, rune stones and the I Ching are examples of Divination tools. I encourage you to experiment and find what resonates with you. Divination tools are simply ways to find a connection with Spirit . Tools can be helpful when:

  • You feel trapped in your own emotions
  • When connection to Spirit feels unclear
  • When you are having trouble seeing/feeling Signs from Spirit
  • Tools can be useful things to employ to help break the doubt/fear pattern and can be great ways to forge or strengthen your connection to Spirit. If you feel you aren’t hearing your Guides and Angels clearly, using a tool can help you reconnect and gain confidence and clarity in your communication. If you are looking for a Divination tool, I suggest going to a metaphysical bookstore and looking at the tools they have available. Look over the selection they have and pick out whatever tool appeals to you. Be sure to follow the guidebook or instructions on how to begin using the tool, clear your mind and use your tools to connect to Spirit. The only thing I believe is not useful is the ouija board, because there is no sacred space on a ouija board and any Spirit that’s hanging around can jump into the action. You don’t need or want this, as you only work with Spirits in the Light. So, choose something that works in alignment with your Higher intentions like the tools mentioned above.

I find that the more specific you can be in your questions, the more fruitful the outcome will be. Remember that Guides and Angels have a high, birds-eye view of what is happening in your life and they have an enormous amount of information to impart to you. Ask them exactly what you want to know. This can be challenging, as it forces you to really articulate what you want guidance on. I believe when asking from Guidance from Spirit they don’t want to just give the answers, they want to empower you to find the answers as well. So, the more you do to understand the issues you are inquiring about, by narrowing down exactly what the issue is you have questions about, the more specific and usable the guidance will be when you receive it.

2. Use affirmations. My Guides and Angles emphasize that the power of affirmations can really work to your advantage. Think about it: every thought you have creates your reality. The more you spend time thinking about something, the more you see it or experience it in your physical reality. So, use the power of thought to your advantage and re-program yourself. There are many, many people in Spirituality who emphasize the power of affirmations, and this is because they work. I work on saying affirmations whenever I catch my mind wandering, or even when I have the urge to aimlessly look at my phone or email. I say these affirmations walking down the street. The more you create a positive, loving interior space the more you will be receive to the Higher vibrations coming at you from Spirit.

These are some I use to increase my connection to Spirit:

  • I am profoundly clairvoyant
  • I am completely connected to Spirit
  • I ask for and receive guidance
  • I am in perfect alignment with my soul’s plan for this lifetime
  • It is easy for me to feel, see and hear Spirit.

The last thing before you go to bed tonight, pick one of these to say for a couple of minutes before you go to sleep.

3. Raise your vibration You don’t fight fire with fire – you fight fire with water. So, when you feel you are trapped in your mind or ego, don’t try to think your way out of it – do the opposite. The law of attraction says like attract like, so the more you are feeling negatively, the more you attract that down energy. So, create the opposite. Become the energy you want to be. How? Laugh, laugh laugh. This is the fastest and easiest way to get out of your head and into your Spirit. You can also listen to music, read, watch a movie, go for a walk, work outside and get your hands in the dirt. Just accept how you feel, don’t criticize your self for feeling disconnected and put your focus elsewhere. Ruminating, judging and resenting your own state of being in low moments do not help. In fact, those self-critical actions and thoughts only serve to perpetuate the low vibrations you are already feeling. So fight fire with water – bring in fun to lift your Spirit!


4. Get a reading or a healing. Sometimes you need to unpack fear in order to release it. Healings and clearing your energy are ways of uncovering where the fear is located within you. You can then pull it out and shine light upon it. Light shining on fear dissolves it. Connect with a medium, a Reiki healer, a shaman, a crystal healer, a past life regressionist or other intuitive professional to help you identify your issues and identify ways to release them. Maybe you have something hanging on from a past life that is rearing its head. Maybe you have cords pulling at you that you need to cut. Maybe you need some clearing work. Sometimes you may need help, and that’s totally fine. That’s what all of psychics, intuitive practitioners and us mediums are here for. We are here to help you and your Spiritual well being on your growth path.

4. Practice self-love and validation. As strong as the urge is, do not criticize yourself for feeling disconnected. Trust that what you are experiencing is showing you where you need to heal most. Love yourself. What Spirit continually shows me when I am experiencing the challenge of feeling low or stuck or disconnected and like my growth has stalled is that self-validation is first and foremost. This means believe yourself with the signs appearing around you and recognize that many times if you are not feeling or seeing them, that what is separating you from seeing clearly is only fear and fear is showing you the very place within yourself where you need to love yourself more.

Let yourself believe and trust that things are as good as you think they may/could be and realize that anything holding you back from that greatness is fear and that is an illusion.

Any thought or feeling that makes you feel “less than” in any way is fear. And that is showing you the every place within you that is asking for more Light and love. I learn this through dancing as well – where I feel pain and disconnection in my body are the very places that need my love and attention. This is the same for what is happening within you as you grow Spiritually. Sending love and light to the places in yourself where you feel the most resistance to growth is to practice self love and self acceptance – it is bringing the Divine into the places where there is separation from it. Simply recognizing the places where you feel fear and sending love to them is the first and most fundamental step in healing. Self love and self-validation and trust are the basis for complete integration with your Higher self and all Spiritual growth.

Challenge transformed

Recognize that if you are experiencing the same challenge/obstacle over and over again in many different circumstances or relationships then it likely is one of the lessons that your soul has chosen for this lifetime. It could be self-doubt, giving/receiving love, leadership, self-expression, etc. By choosing to keep working to move beyond it until you can release it, your greatest challenge also can become your greatest strength, and the very thing you will be able to teach others how to overcome.

With love,



Why does the connection to Spirit gets cloudy at times and your growth seem to slow down?

This is something I struggle with and I have asked Spirit for guidance on why this is and what to do about it.

This is what they have told me:

Opening to Spirit changes everything. As you grow Spiritually and connect with Spirit more often and more deeply, you begin to spend more time in true presence of your Higher self which allows you to separate from your lower self – your ego. As you connect with your own Spirit and with your Guides, Angels and Loved Ones, you separate from the worldview you have always identified with and you begin to separate from the patterns and programs that you have grown up with. As you open to your Spiritual pathway, you begin to pull away from the patterns, pain and thought forms in your ego that you have created and taken on in your personality as a result of being a human being living a physical life. As you open to Spirit you begin to open to a wider, higher perspective of your life and purpose. Spiritual growth and connection to Spirit is the opposite of the self created pain “problems” created by your ego ; connection to Spirit is connection to your own Divine truth within and the truth that there is much more to your existence than only day to day challenges. You begin to see that life is eternal and not a finite birth to death journey. You begin to know the truth that lies above and beyond the here and now of physical life. You begin to open to the world that exists unseen but alongside of the physical world.

This realization that you are connected to and a part of a larger and eternal flow of life is a life changing awakening. It shakes the very foundation of every perspective, relationship and understanding that you have developed up to this point in your life. This is big and it has big effects on you.

As I have mentioned in other posts, Spiritual growth ebbs and flows which means you fluctuate between your new expanded growth state and the patterns you are progressively leaving behind. When you take in more light and rise to a new and higher perspective through your increasing connection to Spirit, you feel better and better. Your vibration rises and you spend more time in the higher vibrations. But, your ego fights this. Your patterns of thinking are ingrained in you and they don’t want to let go. So, things, people and events may trigger your patterns. You may have an issue with a friend, or an argument with your mom or spouse or something that just takes you off your clear and high vibration and you begin to feel the doubt and fear creep in and old patterns of emotions and thought reassert themselves and before you know it you are feeling pretty disconnected and low.

Old vs. New. Now, because you have been on high, working to raise and clear your energy and connecting to vibrations higher than yours, when you feel that drop back into the ego it feels even lower than before. Before you even did any Spiritual work, you operated at a lower vibrational level, but you didn’t know any better. It was just the norm. When you begin re-patterning yourself and bringing in the higher wisdom and vibrations from Spirit you rise out of that lower state of being that is dominated by your ego and your own programs and patterns of the mind. So, low feels even lower than it did before.

But I assure you – all is still well. You haven’t lost anything and in fact you are gaining even more perspective and tools as you compassionately and lovingly bring yourself back to your new normal – high and clear. When you are feeling low, you are only just noticing all of the great work you have done by experiencing the vast difference between your new normal high vibrational state accomplished through the beautiful clear vibrations you have brought into your life through connecting to Spirit and the old you – the lower vibrational state you were in before connecting to Spirit.

Accept and validate. The first step in in pulling out of a Spiritual growth slump is to understand why you are experiencing it and to accept it. So, congratulate yourself for all of the hard work you have done and have compassion for yourself as you integrate all of the high vibrations you are now bringing into your life with all of the old patterns you are releasing. This takes time. Trust your self and your growth and know that whatever hardship you are moving though right now will only serve to strengthen and deepen your connection to Spirit as you move through and transcend it. Trust that the lows only serve as reminders of where you have been and what you are leaving behind. Trust that integrating Spirit into your life is a process that does not happen overnight and honor yourself as you commit to this self evolution.

Look for my next post with actions to take to pull yourself out of the slump and back into a high and clear connection to Spirit!

With love,
