Books! What to read for Spiritual growth.

Reading is the fundamental method I use again and again on my pathway of Spiritual growth. I cannot emphasize enough how much reading has given me in my growth process. In fact, I have a core set of books (that is ever expanding) that I use on a daily basis to help me to deepen, understand, trust and develop my Spirituality and connection to Spirit. I have divided my most used and referenced books into different categories for different reasons and uses. On the blog I will begin to post regular book reviews, and I will start here with this post to identify and explain which books I use and why.

The first category of books I will talk about are those that I use to raise my vibration and that help me to open my awareness so I am able to connect to a Higher perspective and wisdom. I consider these books to be part of the basis for my Spiritual growth and of my Spiritual philosophy.

The energy and ideas contained in these books resonate at a particular level and vibration. The books themselves act as a tuning fork; the vibration they resonate sound out a harmonic that our energy rises to meet as we read them. The wisdom, energy and vibration that are contained in the written word create an actual energetic signpost, and the very act of reading the words allows our own energy to rise and meet the energy behind the words. The raise in our vibration as we read creates an opening; a new beginning, a new connection to our Higher Selves and to Spirit. By reading books written at a higher vibration, our own energy rises to meet that higher vibration and a pathway is made. In effect, we create the room and vibration within ourselves to take in more Light and our connection to the Higher realms is increased. The more Light we bring into to ourselves from different sources the easier it is for us to integrate our Spiritual growth into every aspect of our lives.

As I have discussed in other blog posts, growth is an ebb and flow process. It is a process of integrating the Light and wisdom from the Higher realms into every aspect of our beings. This means there are times when we feel crystal clear and connected to our higher perspective, to our Guides and to Spirit and there are other times when our fear and doubt seem to shut the door and we feel blocked and lost. These books serve as door openers for me– they help me to shift my energy when I am in the down spots of growth so I can again find my connection to my Higher self and to Spirit. They are some of the books I go to again and again to remind myself of the basics of soul growth; how to be in touch with my Spirit and how to connect with the Higher realms. These books contain Higher wisdom being brought to our physical plane by other teachers and channels.

Roman, Sanaya. Personal Power Through Awareness. Tiburon: HJ Kramer, Inc., 1986.

This book is the first one of a series written by channel Sanaya Roman who channels her high, wise and gentle Guide Orin. The Orin book series are a wonderful resource for connecting to the vibrations of the Higher dimensions. This book helps you to see how the images you create of yourself create your life experience. It helps us to take responsibility for the lives we have and helps us to see how the circumstances we create serve to offer higher soul growth and learning. There are simple exercises in each chapter that serve to assist with integrating the ideas into your life. This book is a great introduction to Spiritual growth and helps the reader identify within themselves how they are affected by energy, how to separate from the energy around you, how to open your awareness both to your inner self and to your guides and the Higher wisdom available to you at all times. This book provides excellent guidance on how to identify and release images and thought forms that serve to limit your identity and experience.

Website: Amazon link for purchase:

Roman, Sanaya. Spiritual Growth. Tiburon: HJ Kramer, Inc., 1989.

This is the third book in the Orin series. This book introduces the Higher Self and offers easy to learn processes to help you become your Higher Self in your daily life, how to connect with the upper dimensions for guidance, manifesting the life you want and how to become a source of light. The vibration this book offers allows you to gain a greater understanding of the purpose of higher wisdom and Guides as well as offers practical methods for integrating Spiritual growth into your daily life. The meditation exercises are a great resource for learning to focus your mind and use it to manifest and connect to the Higher realms.

Website: Amazon link for purchase:

Tolle, Eckardt. The Power of Now. Vancouver, B.C.:  Namaste, 1999.

This book introduces the simple but profound meaning of presence, and the difference between the Spirit and the ego. The book defines and outlines the challenges inherent in our physical lives and how to identify and operate from the larger, eternal presence within. The vibration of this book is expansive, calm and peaceful. It creates a space for us to separate from our egos and begin to give attention and awareness to our Spirits - the Divine identity within. Tolle’s writing helps the reader to separate and identify “problems” in our lives as issues of the ego and help to shine light on the greater presence within and how our lives on earth are meant to serve this greater presence and purpose.

Website: Amazon link for purchase:

Zukav, Gary. The Seat of the Soul. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989.

This book introduces the basic challenges and meaning of soul growth evolution through incarnation. This is an excellent book to go to in order to understand the larger, higher meaning of the challenges we face and their purpose in our soul growth.  The chapters each discuss major themes that each human experiences in their life such as Karma, Addiction, Reverence, Choice (to name a few) and discusses each as an integral and vital aspect of our soul growth path. There is great explanation about the five sensory versus six sensory human being; how decide to live your life with an awareness of the nonphysical realms and how guidance serves to give perspective and meaning to the challenges you face.

Website: Amazon link for purchase:

This is just a starting point.  I would love to hear which books resonate with you. Please feel free to comment below or send me an email!

With love,


3 ways to boost your Spiritual growth

As someone looking to constantly enhance and hone my connection to Spirit, I have discovered a few ways that help me feel connected, no matter what’s going on in my life. Remember that connecting with Spirit is a continually unfolding process, and sometimes you may need some extra reassurance that the connection you are building is real and working. Build trust in your growth process by using these three tips to boost your connection:

  • Set up an altar. This is a fun and also profound way to invite a closer connection with your Guides and Angels. Pick out some items that represent your Guides and Angels to you – symbols, jewelry charms, cards; little tokens that have meaning to you in your work with Spirit. If one of your signs is feathers make sure to collect them and put them in a nice dish or container on your altar. Does a certain flower always appear for you? Then get a picture of it and put it on your altar or even get a vase and put live flowers in it. Anything that reminds you of your personal connection with Spirit is appropriate for your altar. Altars are helpful as they provide a sacred space for you to go to and it is a gesture of love and respect for those in Spirit who work with you. An altar creates physical space for Spirit in your life – this is a way of acknowledging its importance in your life and that resonates on physical and Spiritual levels.
  • Ask for an increase in signs from Spirit. Ask them to increase the signs they send and you can ask them to help you notice the signs they already are giving you. Chances are, you already are receiving signs, you just aren’t seeing them. Doubt and fear create blocks and it can be hard to see beyond them and grasp the signs Spirit is actually sending. So, go ahead and tell them you need extra reassurance and to please increase the signs and to help you notice the signs they already are sending. Ask them for more coins, or feathers or flowers or whatever sign you get the most of from them. Asking them for help in noticing the signs helps you break out of ruts in your thinking and can give you fresh perspective and awareness.  Don’t forget to let yourself accept and acknowledge signs that come your way! When you are feeling doubt and fear, it is easy to dismiss the little symbols, signs and indications that Spirit is communicating with you. Every time you feel “was that just maybe a sign?...” YES, it was! Let yourself accept it.
  • Ground your energy. Sometimes we can get really influenced by our own or other’s energy. It builds up in the aura and can really cloud the ability to see clearly and distinguish your own real emotions and thoughts, which is key to a clear connection with Spirit. There are many ways to ground your energy. You can do a grounding meditation: imagine a grounding cord extending from your root chakra at the base of your spine down through the ground and into the center of the earth. Then visualize all of the foreign energy out the cord into the core of the Earth. You can get outside and put your hands or feet in the dirt or you can eat something grounding like root vegetables or grains. Another great way to ground your energy is to do any kind of physical exercise that works up a sweat.  Grounding and clearing is essential to discerning what is your energy and what is coming INTO your energy from elsewhere. Grounding clears you, it helps you release what is clouding your vision and energy and gives you a clear window to look out of. You probably are running into signs from Spirit all over the place, it’s just you have picked up so much dirt on your windshield you can’t see them!

Remember that every time you reach out to connect or try new ways to enhance your relationship with Spirit, it matters. Every action you take and effort you make builds your solid foundation of trust and communication. Each time you work to clarify your communication, to open your awareness and discern the Signs, you are increasing your psychic abilities and opening the connection with Spirit. All of that work you do pays off! 

Have fun with it!

With love,


The ebb and flow of Spiritual growth

Q: I have made so much progress, why do I now feel it has stalled?

This is something I have heard from many others on a spiritual path and it is a question I have asked myself at times. Why can you feel so clear and open and connected to Spirit and then go through periods of doubt and fear, where the connection feels distant and it seems difficult to feel the same confidence and openness you felt even a day or so ago? You have experienced the clarity of connecting with Spirit, and all of a sudden it feels like your growth is stalled. I have gone through periods of time when I feel really clear: I ask for and receive signs, I feel very connected to Guides and Angels and when I connect with deceased Loved Ones it's almost like they are sitting next to me, having coffee. Then there are other times when I have felt trapped in myself, unsure, murky, like it’s difficult to connect. When I experience this feeling I always wonder why I am going through this again and what am I doing wrong? What can I do to release this isolated feeling and once again feel united, clear and centered?

What is going on?

Well, something is going on and I guarantee you it has nothing to do with your psychic abilities or your ability to connect with Spirit. I have discovered that spiritual growth and opening to Spirit is a process that ebbs and flows. Your pathway of opening to your abilities is always and continually unfolding. This means that it evolves in a circular and holistic way; it is not straight line but rather a winding beautiful road leading up a mountain. Sometimes you can’t see what lies ahead, and then sometimes you go through a tunnel. But there is one important thing to remember: you are still on the road.

Think of your growth like waves in the ocean, a big set rolls in and it’s beautiful wave after wave. You have the time of your life surfing those beautiful waves. Each one perfect and unique and helping you surf higher and longer. You get used to riding high and think that’s what the ocean is – perfect wave after perfect wave. Then, things quiet down. The big set is over and the sea gets kind of, well, flat. It’s quiet and still. You have wait for the next set to roll in.

This is how opening to your abilities can be at times and this is actually part of how nature works - it’s the rhythm of life. Things are always changing; ebbing and flowing. Right now as I write this we are at the every end of summer. The light is already different and the leaves are starting to hint at changing. Spiritual growth works this way too. If we were at full blast all the time, we wouldn’t have the time or space to integrate all of the amazing changes we have just discovered and made.

It's about Light

So, it is a big awakening, a big change when you start to recognize yourself as Spirit, when you begin to let in the Divine light. It’s a really powerful and fundamental change you make at the most basic level of your self – to realize you are a Spirit and have the ability to connect to other Spirits – Guides, Angels and Loved Ones. It’s a really big thing when you begin to open to Divine light. The light is a real thing. It is of the highest and purest vibrations of pure love. The more you release pain and fear, the more you work from the inside out healing yourself, the more you connect with Guides and Angels, the more you live by the truth of your heart and spirit; the more Divine light you bring into yourself. This causes change. Real change. Change you can feel, but not necessarily pinpoint. Change that sometimes makes you feel off kilter.  

I asked my Guides to explain to me why the process of opening to Spirit and opening to psychic abilities can be a roller coaster ride at times.

This is what they told me:

My guides showed me a series of interconnected rooms, like in a museum where you walk from gallery to gallery. When you open the doors of one of the rooms, light floods in. You open the next door and the light flows into that room, and on & on. The process of opening to Spirit is about opening all the doors that lie within you and letting the light flow in. Spiritual growth, connecting to Spirit and opening your abilities is all about bringing the Divine light into every room in your house. Some rooms have light in them already, some are dimly lit and some have been closed off, locked and ignored for years. These are the rooms where we have put things too painful to integrate or process. We all have them. The process of connecting to Spirit brings light into all of these spaces. It is not possible to just let light into some and not others. Opening your abilities and growing spiritually brings light into all of those dark places within. The light brings with it love and the opportunity to understand, heal and release pain and fear that is keeping you from embracing your true powerful self.

Here are some things you can do to help yourself through this:

Have compassion for yourself. Congratulate yourself on all of the changes and work you have done so far. Read this article, or something else that tells you it OK to feel this way. Check out another great article about this from medium Amanda Linette Meder:

Your growth has not stopped. As a matter of fact, reaching these tough moments is indication that you are beginning to do really deep work of integrating your newfound spirituality with your entire being.

  • Look at your validation journals. These are moments when you can fall back on all of the times things were super clear and you were getting sign after sign and feeling really connected with Spirit. Read and reread about all of those little things you saw and felt and remind yourself that this is a process. If you don’t have a validation journal yet – start one!
  • Share your feelings. Talk to someone else on a spiritual path. I guarantee you no matter who you talk to if they are being honest, they will share times they too have felt doubt and fear.
  • Understand that this will pass. It is often darkest before dawn. Most times, actually every time I have gone through difficult phases of doubt and fear, I have emerged with powerful insight-and a deeper and better connection with Spirit.
  • Keep asking for signs. Keep meditating. Keep connecting with your Guides and Angels. These are the times when you are really building that foundation of trust with them. Ask them to help you through this. See how they come through for you.

Above all, trust your self and your process. Learning to trust the strength and wisdom within is at the core of what Spiritual growth and connecting with Spirit is all about. The more you can learn to release doubt and fear in these tough moments and the more you learn to trust yourself, the more you are living your true path and purpose. Remember: you hold the key to the power within.


With love and light on your journey,



Meditation as a doorway

When people are new to a spiritual path, one of the first recommendations you hear is "meditate". Everyone is resistant to this. What is meditation and why are we resistant to it? Why is meditation beneficial? Is it beneficial? Does everyone have to do it?

First let me say that there are no shoulds. I know amazing healers and mediums that meditate, and I know awesome one who do not. I can really only speak of my experience and how meditation opened the doorway for me. We are resistant to meditation because we are conditioned to be fully focused on our physical lives and tasks. We spend much if not most of our time doing things -working, driving, shopping, cleaning, taking care of people, watching TV, using our phones, etc. etc. The invention of the smartphone completely caters to the nonstop drive of the mind - finding anything to distract itself. Not to say work isn't done, or there aren't productive things that you do during the day, but the main point being that there is not much emphasis put on quieting the mind. We are taught to live fully in the mind-to consume as much information and fulfill every urge and desire of the mind. In our culture we do not encourage reflective time to quiet the mind and look within for more. This is what meditation is for me.

Meditation is time dedicated to opening your inner awareness; your heart, your Spirit and letting your mind sit in the back seat. It is time to train yourself to let your Spirit come forward and talk to you. It is time to discover yourself as a multi-sensory being, instead of relying and existing in only the "what you see is what you get" mentality that so often dominates every day life. Meditation is about opening the inner doorway, finding the world that lies behind your eyes. It is infinite, and you are an integral part of it all.

After my brother died, my best friend bought me a series of distance Reiki treatments to assist me in dealing with my profound and insurmountable grief. I have to admit I was skeptical. How could someone far away (her in Denver, CO and me in Philadelphia, PA) affect any kind of change whatsoever in me? But she did. As a matter of fact the immediate affects after one treatment were so deep and powerful that my perceptions about the whole spiritual healing thing were changed in one swift moment. I wanted to know more - how was it possible to feel so different so fast? What had happened and how could I keep this awesome change going? I had felt so stuck in my life and this one treatment had opened a doorway for me. I wanted to know how I could keep this going-I wanted change and I wanted to understand more.

The first thing my healer recommended to me was that I begin meditating, 2 times a day for 10-15min each time. She told me that my Higher Self, my Spirit, my soul, needed room to work in, room to begin to bring my Spirit into my conscious mind and awareness.

I found some time alone in a room where is could shut the doer and be left alone. I chose to do it late at night after I put my son in bed, after I hung out with my husband so I could feel free and easy about taking some time to myself. I didn't use any music or

candles or anything. I just closed the door, set the intention to myself to meditate, as in "OK, I am meditating now" and closed my eyes.

Instead of focusing on closing my thoughts out, I focused on opening my awareness to the energy I was sensing around me. I could feel a light, high presence with me; I could feel waves of energy around me. It was all kind of mixing together, but I could feel there was more than just me there. I could sense there were other energies there, giving me energy, trying to connect with me by letting me know they were there.  What did I do? Was I scared? No, I was not. One of the first things I felt when becoming aware if Spirit was the gentle, loving energy of these beings. One of the primary barriers in connecting with any Spirit is fear, but once you realize that 99% of the time the Spirit that is around you is completely loving, high and from the Divine Light, the more you can relax and trust you are safe and protected, because you are. But you can learn to protect yourself in meditation and any time at all.  Look for upcoming posts on psychic protection. Also, check out this awesome resource here)

My first connections in Spirit were angels then came power animals, archangels, deceased loved ones and spirit guides. I began to see past lives. I have seen the Other Side and how our deceased loved ones continue to live on. I have seen temples and the Akashic records. All of these experiences have shown me how infinite and loving the universe is and how much spiritual support we have. Meditation was my doorway. The more I let myself enter the world that lie begin my eyes, the more I was able to release fear and doubt, connect with Spirit and let my own Spirit take the driver's seat in my life.

One of the things I recommend when meditating is to have a notebook handy to record the feelings, sensations and experiences you have in your meditations. Writing it down right after is important as often meditations and connecting with Spirit feels like a dream space-at the time it is super clear, but the memories fade fast! Writing it down will record your experiences so you can refer back and see your development, but also writing it down serves to bring into the physical world what you have experienced in the Spiritual. World. Writing it down anchors your experience and allows you to really digest it, absorb it and accept it as real, because it is.

Meditating is setting aside time to connect to your Spirit. By setting aside this time for your self, you are affirming that you trust, value and respect your self and your Spirit. This very act and intention serve to open you to the truth within and will help you attune yourself more with your own Spirit and by default, other Spirits like Guides, Angels and Loved Ones.

There is no one right way to meditate. The important thing is to set aside the time and have the intention to quiet your mind and look within. You will surprise yourself with what you find!

With love on your journey,
